Does Dental Insurance Cover Implant Dentures
Does dental insurance cover, implant dentures. It all depends upon your insurance policy. If the plan provides denture benefits, they will provide benefits for both conventional dentures and implant dentures. It’s not it’s not categorized by implant dentures. It’s categorized by dentures. So if they provide denture benefits, they will provide benefits for your implant denture.
The real question is, does the insurance company provide implant coverage? That’s a bigger wildcard. Most plans that we’ve come across, they do provide benefits for dentures. The question becomes, do they provide benefits for the implants? So whether it’s an implant denture or a conventional denture, doesn’t matter in terms of benefits for the denture. The question comes in: Are there benefits available for the implants? And that, again, is all dependent on your insurance companies benefits. Plans can be confusing. Do they provide benefits? Do they not provide benefits?
If you call our office and you talk to our staff, we can investigate that for you. So prior to any services rendered. We can answer that for you, and you’ll be you’ll be able to tell or we’ll be able to tell you: Are there benefits available? Are there not benefits available? How much are they? How do we utilize them?